Helping Employees Achieve Work-Life Balance

Successful companies recognise the importance of helping their female employees achieve work-life balance. This starts with a HR policy to create a pro-family workplace. Gender...

Petty Cash 101

Despite its name having been derived from the french word ‘petit’, translated ‘small’ in english, Petty Cash serves great importance in all businesses for day to day expenses encountered by its employees.

Infographic: Pros and Cons of Four Common Payroll Methods

This infograpic helps you to weigh the pros and cons of four common payroll methods used by businesses in the world. We hope this infographic...

Customer is Not Always King. Value Employee Feedback.

We've all heard the common phrase that "Customer is King" in the business world. Technically this would imply holding customers in the greatest regard...
Opensoft HRMS


We value transparency in all that we do. That means there are no hidden costs in our pricing and no hidden modules that we...

3 Time Management Hacks that Work

Do you find yourself at the end of the day exhausted and feeling unproductive despite having worked around the clock? Wish to accomplish more daily?...

Tips for Motivating Different Generations of Employees

It is essential that for any business to succeed, it has to start from its people. However, there is no ‘one size fits all’...